Vacationing Done Right
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Vacationing Done Right

Well, vacations don’t have to be like that. I just got back from my first vacation this year, and with some thoughtful planning and great support, I can say I vacationed right. I feel refreshed and excited to get back to work. I spent what I had budgeted so I have no stress and am ready to start saving for the next. I maintained my nutrition and fitness goals. And, I’m super happy with the experience.

In this post, I’ll detail the things I did that made my vacation successful.

Never Stop Optimizing

Never Stop Optimizing

It’s easy to become complacent with your life. It’s easy to be content with your current situation, to be okay with everyday annoyances, to never think about many of the routines and habits you’ve built throughout life. I have some back pain that bothers me but doesn’t everybody? It seems normal. Why would I change…